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July 29, 2003

Knights of the Old Republic

After hearing someone rave about Knights of the Old Republic, I just had to give it a try. A few days later I'm still hooked. This is one of the best Star Wars based games I've ever played. The game takes place long long before the movies and you play a character who gets caught up in a pretty epic adventure. So far I've been to three planets, have become a jedi, wield two lightsabers at once, and can kick ass quite well. Lucasarts got the whole feel of Star Wars down perfectly.

Actually, the game was developed by Bioware, the folks who have written lots of great RPGs for the PC. So it is no big surprise they did a kickass job with this. You really can play the game any way you like, either as a good guy or being more of an evil jedi. Right now I'm being a good guy,b ut I want to start a second game where I'm a mean and nasty jedi.

Posted by snooze at July 29, 2003 3:40 AM