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May 2, 2004

Music is my Thing

aphex-ambientToday was a good music day. I was at the mall with my mom and while waiting for her to finish up shopping stepped into whatever big music chain store they had there. You know, the ones that usually have a pretty crappy selection of popular music, but every once in a while will have some gem you've been meaning to find forever. This time it was Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works 85-92. It's happily ripping away in iTunes to be added to my music library.

And then there was The Brilliant Green, which jam1esp1ark let me listen to some of. I must say they're quite amazing. They sound like a bunch of different music I know kinda smooshed together. They're also listed in TIME.com's 10 best bands from outside of the US.

Oh, and I can't forget the songs by Chara that Lyn gave me, which also helped to rock my musical world a bit.

Posted by snooze at May 2, 2004 9:55 PM