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May 3, 2004


I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about my whole work situation and how it fits into the rest of my life. I had a phone interview the other day and it went pretty well, but after I got off the phone I started really thinking about what work would entail. I'd have to make sure it was someplace with good handicapped parking that wasn't much of a walk. I'd have to deal with finding a new place to live that would be good for me after my surgery. And in the middle of all this I could get the call from the hospital anytime.

The thing is, I'm really not sure why I'm looking so hard for work. It just has always felt like the thing to do once you are laid off. But when I am really honest with myself, I'm not sure I could handle the day to day work grind at this point. At my last job they really went out of their way to help me out. And I'm not sure I could handle a job w/out that. But working isn't what is important right now. Getting healthy is. Being in as good health as I can be when I get the call to go into the hospital. So as of last week I'm officially calling off my job search. I'm still doing little one-shot consulting jobs here and there to keep myself sane, but even those sometimes feel like too much stress.

I'm not even really sure why I'm posting this to my blog. I think I kind of just want to record what was going on in these days because it feels like this is a really big step. Next step, new lung.

Posted by snooze at May 3, 2004 9:20 PM