My parents were in town

My parents were in town yesterday for some flower show in Boston. I slipped out of work a couple of minutes early to meet them for dinner at Jasper White's Summer Shack. It was a pretty interesting place. They serve primarily seafood. Lots of different kinds of fish, raw bar stuff, etc. I had a grilled lobster that was quite tastey (though much too expensive IMHO). It looked like a good place to go with a number of people, but I think for what you got it was a little pricey.

As of early evening yesterday it is Spring. Except it still doesn't quite feel that way yet. It needs to get just a little bit warmer. I so can't wait till I can wear shorts every day.

Lately I've been enjoying this online comic called MegaTokyo. I seem to be a little bit slow discovering this, since a number of friends of mine have found it long ago, but I'm still digging it.

Oh! And I lost my damn ATM/debit card again. I can be the most absent minded person at times. Though this time I reported it to the bank before anyone ran up a few hundred dollars in charges.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on March 22, 2001 4:27 AM.

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