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QOTD 4/13/2006

Niels Bohr
"Your theory is crazy, but it's not crazy enough to be true."

[via Quotes of the Day]

QOTD 03/06/2005

Umberto Eco
"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth." [via Quotes of the Day]

Neko Mimi Mode - Dimitri From Paris

Vicl-35712 P.1 Oh yes, there is nothing like watching a new anime and realizing that the theme song was done by Dimitri from Paris. It is quite slick. Neko Mimi Mode (AAC) is a bit of a variation on Love Love Mode, and is a nice little bit of grooviness (and it's even better with the animation (with the cute vampire girl with cat ears on)). Definitely a fun little song that had to be shared.

Of course I now keep having it run through my head and hearing Chiwa Saito say "Neko Mimi Mode" all day long.


Well, at least I have some pictures I could post for this occasion, even if I don't have cats of my own.

BlogACatMas This Friday!

It may be only a one-year-old tradition, but it's still a tradition! Last year, Boss Ross and I declared that the first Friday in October shall be "Post a Cat on Your Blog Day", or more simply, BlogACatMas. Yeah, posting a picture of a cat is nearly as old as blogging itself, but we figured why not have a designated special day for that most bloggy of blog practices?

Here's some inspiration:



So gather your kitty pictures, because Friday's the day! [via The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century :: Joey deVilla's Weblog]

(Sex Bomb Sex Bomb...) Quiz of the Moment

Just about everyone I know on LJ has been taking this damn quiz, so I thought I'd look and see how I did.

20 Questions to a Better Relationship

eXpressive: 6/10
Practical: 4/10
Physical: 5/10
Giver: 8/10

You are a XSYG--Expressive Sentimental Physical Giver. This makes you a Sex Bomb.

You are sexy sex sex sex! The sexness! You are the sexiest, hottest and most charismatic of all types. You are a captivating speaker and a great dinner date -- relaxed, self-effacing, charming and generous. Your type probably has origins in something sad -- trying to keep the peace in a tough family situation, or an early heartbreak -- and you'll probably want to address and resolve that at some point, but in your relationships that heartache is pure gold!

You lie effortlessly -- not necessarily a bad thing. You can have problems with fidelity. You need frequent praise and validation, and in seeking it you can make decisions that aren't consistent with your general good judgment. In other words, don't cheat on your significant other just because someone is paying attention to you.

You strongly dislike conflict, and will avoid it. Like an XPYG, you give so much of yourself to your partner that you feel dismissed and unappreciated if you don't get the same in return. But you internalize your feelings more and have a hard time getting over them. You don't *want* to cheat -- you just keep finding yourself in vulnerable situations. But you'll stay with your partner in the long run from guilt and a desire to please.

Your sex life will always be hot. You are one of the rare people who can keep the fires of passion going forever -- if you find a good match. Find another XSYG and you will never need (or want) anyone else again.

Of the 33007 people who have taken this quiz, 9 % are this type.

Hrm, I'm not sure what I think of that quiz. I certainly would never use the term 'Sex Bomb' to describe myself. Though the parts about disliking conflict are very true. I think I might be an XSYG with RSYG tendencies.


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