So I've now had my

So I've now had my Powerbook for about 4 days and I still really dig it. OS X is just working quite well for me. It is definitely a little rough around the edges, but that's just fine with me. It doesn't crash. I haven't run into any major major problems so far. It easily swaps between my work network and my home one.

But all this got me thinking about something. If you had said to me even 2 months ago that I'd have a Macintosh laptop I probably would have laughed at you. And when I mention to people that I got a Powerbook they go "ew, apple". Then I show them OS X and I can start to see them re-evaluate that some. It's just nice having that reminder that things do change. And if you aren't willing to look again at things you once didn't like then you are cheating yourself.

I've also been finding this happening with music lately. I used to be a huge trance guy. Heck, I still love trance. The difference is that I'd put my nose up to things like techno and house. These days I'm not only listening to them I'm starting to spin them some too. I know tastes change, but I still find it so cool how as time goes on my tastes are still continuously changing. Things are always challenging my views on life.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on April 3, 2001 4:37 PM.

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