I seem to have this

I seem to have this knack for getting up really early and yet never being able to make it out of the house until about 8:30. Of course now I've started using that time to do work stuff. Mostly reading documentation and getting the stuff done that I can never seem to get done when I'm in the office.

I found out that an aquaintence of mine was diagnosed with cancer. Things like this seem to affect me differently now. It freaks me out a little bit more because I seem to see it all over the place now. This has been quite an eventful year or so as far as friends with medical conditions. There's me and my lung, Jay with his brain, and now this. I asked my friend Rachel to send my best to her, since she knows her better. I just wish I could help more.

In some ways it makes me appreciate how some of my friends must feel. I have this odd lung condition and they know it is serious, but all they can really do is offer support. And they really do an amazing job of it. People are continuously offering to help me out. I just need to be much less stubborn and prideful and accept it more often.

On another completely random note. I ran into my old high school friend Julie, who lives one building over, and found out that our other good friend Tamson is moving back soon. I'm actually fairly psyched. I've fallen out of touch with Tamson since she moved back out to San Diego and I miss hanging out and chatting with her.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on July 30, 2001 2:00 PM.

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