I think that air conditioning

I think that air conditioning must be one of the greatest things mankind has ever come up with.

Yesterday I drove down to CT to see my sister, who is at my parent's place for a few days. The extra bonus is that she brought along my newphew. He's just over two and so funny. He's quite a handful. My parent's place has one problem though. No air conditioning. They have one a/c, but it was in the closet. In CT yesterday it was in the 90s and very humid. I was a bit overtired and have been coughing a little bit more then usual lately, so the humidity was just killing me. I was extremely miserable. Finally, at the end of the day, my dad put the a/c in. I have barely left the room since then :). I finally got the really good sleep that I'd needed to for the past day or so. It is really amazing what 12 hours of sleep can do.

I just got a call from work. We lost all the connectivity from our offices to the outside world. Luckily this doesn't affect our web sites, but it does affect the ability of our finance people to be working on their end of quarter reports.

It's great to see my sister too. We haven't had a chance to talk much, but I think she's glad to get up to New England, even if it is to just visit for a few days.

(This blog is going to go up to my site later on because I currently can't get to my machine at work through the net)


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on July 1, 2001 2:56 PM.

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