So I saw the Final

So I saw the Final Fantasy movie last night.
While I wasn't sure what I thought of it at first, after a bit of thought I've decided that I really did like it. I thought the movie definitely rocked for the kind of movie it was. The animation was stunning. I definitely knew I was watching something animated the whole time. I don't think we're at the point yet where we can have animated actors take the roles of real people, but it was still amazing. The level of detail in the animation was stunning, I can't even imagine how long it took them to do all that work. The one area I felt it was lacking is something I'm not sure if I can describe well. I felt that the voice actors and the animation didn't always quite fit with each other. It was like the levels of expression weren't quite the same.

Anyways, I definitely recommend this movie. (Though I have a feeling it's the kind of movie that won't necessarily have a wide appeal to people.)


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