So this morning I stumble

So this morning I stumble into work a bit late due to being hungover to find that one of our Network Appliances seems to have crashed.

This has to be one of the coolest moments in my life. Why? Because when we bought this device I fought so hard to get it in a clustered configuration. What this means is that it if the first Filer (the name of the device) goes, the second will just take over for it. It worked *perfectly*. In fact it worked so perfectly that if I hadn't gotten the email I never would have known. If we'd only had the single unit I would have been paged at some godawful hour this morning because things weren't working. I would have had to crawl into work (hungover) and futz with this until it is fixed. Instead. I got to sleep, recover a bit, make it to my weekly team leaders meeting and in a few minutes will be driving over to Exodus to fix it. It's still a high priority item, but it's no longer an emergency.

I missed seeing Dino spin last night. I'm quite grumpy about that, but I was just feeling so hosed after hanging out at Dunwells listening to the Growroom guys spin yesterday. I think it was that huge Cosmopoliton that I had in a plastic cup that did me in.


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