Musings on music and DJingThere

Musings on music and DJing
There have been some interesting posts flying around on one of the rave mailing lists I'm on talking about. A lot of it talking about things like how much an artist a DJ really is. I'm not really sure that I'd think of a DJ is an artist. If anything he is more like an actor in a play, or someone reading a story to someone. If they are really good, and the source material is really good, they can move you with it. On the other hand, it could just as easily bore you (I guess the other half of this could get into the whole idea of what someone's personal repetoire brings to the plate). But in the end, I think a lot of being a DJ is just about playing music that you like, that you hope other people will like too. And that you'll be able to make them dance when you play it.
I do think about how the music will affect the people listening to it. I do like to think that I can affect their mood to some extent. When I look out across a crowd of people and see them dancing and smiling then I'm pretty sure I'm achieving it.

I'm still not coping real well with the idea that I might not be able to spin out at clubs after the transplant. I've got my fingers crossed and I'm playing it all by ear, but it still sucks. It's probably going to be close to a year before I can even think about doing it again.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on August 10, 2001 3:32 PM.

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