Friday Five1. What is the

Friday Five
1. What is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten? I really haven't eaten anything that I'd consider that weird. I think the weirdest would be like octopus sushi (which I couldn't stand), but that isn't even really that weird.

2. Name one (material) thing you can't live without. Hmm, if it was one set of something it would be my DJ setup. If it had to be one individual thing, my TiBook. I bring it with me everywhere. I'm all set for when I go into the hospital for my transplant. I plan on having my laptop bag set for someone to bring me as soon as I can sit up on my own. It'll be filled with a bunch of DVDs that I can watch while stuck in the hospital.

3. Name something you've always wanted to do but didn't have time for.Tai-Chi. I've got a few friends who do it and they really like it. It's something I've always thought sounded kind of cool, and could help me given my screwed up lungs.

4. What outrageous thing do you wish you had the nerve to do? Skydiving. (One of these days...)

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend? Relaxing (see below). Maybe finishing up some christmas shopping. I've got a bunch of anime I've downloaded that I want to watch. In general, nothing productive. :)

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