Another Quiet WeekendOnce again, a

Another Quiet Weekend

Once again, a nice quiet weekend. This one has just been spent catching up on things. Catching up on my DVDs, catching up on reading, etc. Not catching up on sleep though. I only got five hours sleep the last two nights, though I feel a nap coming on right now. Maybe nap for two hours and then head out for a little bit of breakfast and sleep until the afternoon.

On the DVD watching front I'm almost through the 6th Kenshin DVD and from what I've read this is the end of the first arc of the series. From what I understand things get a little bit more intense after this. I can't wait. Now that I think of it. I also have to start watching Noir again. I got a little stuck at around episode 12, but I think this would be a good weekend to finish it off.

I keep forgetting I have monday off


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