Once again, we find ourselfsUp

Once again, we find ourselfs

Up again for a moment in the middle of the night. It is weird how often this seems to happen. I was having kind of funky dreams as I woke up. Last night as I went to sleep I was reading the translation of the Utena manga. It is interesting because it is yet another retelling of the Utena story. This one gives us a bit more history at the beginning instead of thrusting us right into the story as the TV series or the movie do. Anyways, I seem to remember my dream being visually like the manga, almost like I was dreaming in a drawings. Very cool, but different.

I played around with my Lomo tonight. I had been reading about how someone had just gotten hers fixed and she was trying it out and listening for a second 'click'. When i read this I paused a moment. Second click? It all sounded like one to me when I took pictures. Since I didn't have any film in my lomo at the moment I was able to fool around for a bit. When you set the camera to 'A', it keeps the shutter open for as long as it thinks it needs for the picture based on the amount of light. To test this I put my hand in front of the lens and took a picture and sure enough, click (pause) click. I feel like I suddenly have more understanding of this cool little thing I bought a while back. (And I hope I don't sound like too much an idiot to all you other lomo users out there).

Okay, now that I've rambled enough about my night I'm going to put the computer aside and fall back into sleepyland. Goodnight.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on February 5, 2002 6:30 AM.

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