SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) -

SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov 21) - Week of February 14, 2002

Happy Valentine's Day, Scorpio! How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. First, I love how you have desires for seemingly impossible things. It's your most scary and winsome quality. But there are so many other weirdly adorable things about you, too. I love how you don't run away from the cracks that open up in the world but brazenly peer into them to scope out the mysteries that lie on the other side. I love the fact that you seem to be the reincarnation of a sacred temple prostitute who is hell-bent on expressing your exotic wisdom in this profane world. I'm even delighted when you brilliantly analyze the clockwork of the universe so that you can mess with that clockwork.

[-- Courtesy of Free Will Astrology --]


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