And so it begins (again)

There's nothing quite like getting a good nights sleep before starting a new week.  I feel much more focused already this week.  I just need to get a couple of things done today, the biggest of which is to call my gastro doc and get a new perscription for my Protonix.

The weekend ended up being fairly quiet, and very relaxing.  I stayed in most of the weekend.  Saturday night I met up with Keith and his girlfriend for sushi at Cafe Sushi (I'm pretty sure the people who work there must think I'm a sushi addict or something), then when I got home I got my turntables set up again and did a quick little netcast.  I didn't tell too many people so it was essentially for the benefit of Chris, Lyn, and Tracy.  It's always more fun practicing when I have a little bit of an audience.

Then yesterday I went into Harvard Square to run some errands and ended up getting a bunch of stuff I hadn't planned on.  Isn't that how it always is?


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on March 18, 2002 2:38 PM.

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