Audio HijinxSo, yesterday I mentioned

Audio Hijinx

So, yesterday I mentioned that my Audiotron had arrived. I'd mentioned this a few times lately and I'm very psyched that I finally got it. In some ways I was a little unsure when I got the box how much I'd use it. There are no doubts now. This is something I see moving up in usefulness to my TiVo.

So what's so special about it? Nothing really. It is just one of those devices that just plain works. I unpacked it and took a peek at it at work when it arrived yesterday. It's fairly thin, just over 1 and a quarter inches high I'd guess. The back is simple with a power connection, rca jacks, a digital optical jack, and ethernet. When I got home I plugged it in and it grabbed an address from the DHCP server and was accessible through a web browser immeadiately. Once I gave it a name and password to access my computer through it was able to scan the share there make the music available (It actually found the machine on its own).

One good thing about not getting sleep is that I've been re-ripping my CDs. I got about 7 done and had the Audiontron index those and start playing all the songs on suffleplay. I'm hearing things I haven't heard in ages. I feel like my CD collection has suddenly taken on a new life.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on March 6, 2002 9:19 AM.

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