Friday Five

Well, it finally went up after all, so here are my responses:

  1. What's your favorite animal? I'd have to day dogs.  We had a dog when I was growing up and I really miss having one.  I won't get one till I live someplace with a yard though.
  2. What pets have you had in your lifetime? When I was born, my parents had a cat. But I got allergic to it and we had to give it away.  I had hermit crabs for a bit.  I also had a parakeet and the dog (stuffy) mentioned above.  Stuff was a wire hair fox terrier, one of the coolest breeds ever IMHO.
  3. Is there any specific pet that you've wanted but never had? Why? Hmm.  For a while I thought it might be cool to have a ferret.  But I decided I wasn't around home enough to have a pet like that.  They seemed like they would require a fair amount of upkeep.  Plus I wasn't sure about allergies.
  4. Are you allergic to any animals? Cats.  I can walk into a house and tell there is a cat even before I'm told by someone.  It's horrible.  What sucks the most is when I'm around a cat I want to pet it so badly, but that would just be bad.  I think I'm also slightly allergic to other random furry animals.
  5. Do you have any 'pet' pet peeves (your pets or others')? People leaving pets in their car.  I see it so often and it always upsets me.  I want to leave a note scolding them for it.

The friday five is found at


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