Friday Five1. What makes you

Friday Five

1. What makes you homesick? When I lived in San Diego I would get homesick during the winter months. I didn't mind that it was in the 80s on December 24th, but it just made me realize how much I missed home. After 6 years I was homesick enough to move back to New England.

2. Where is "home" for you? Is it where you are living now, or somewhere else (ie: Mom& Dad's house, particular state/city)>? Oh my. I've had a few places I've considered home over the years. My parent's house in CT, NMH (where I went to high school) in MA, Pittsburgh (where I went to college), San Diego, and now Boston. Every place I've been has become home after a while (see next question :))

3. What makes it home for you? People? Things? Familiarity. Being comfortable with a place. The people I meet in a new place are very much a part of that. My friends are quite important to me.

4. Where is the furthest you've been from home, miles-wise? 3280 miles (5279 km). Boston to London. And I can't wait to do it again.

5. What are you doing this weekend? A friend of mine is having a party on Saturday night that I'll be spinning at. The rest of the weekend will be resting up or recovering from that :).

[-- Questions provided by The Friday Five --]


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