Running in CirclesThere really are

Running in Circles

There really are few happy mediums in my life. Either I spend all weekend curled up at home watching movies or I have 30 gazillion things going on at the same time and end up having things I don't get to do.

Tonight I'm going to see Life From New York, this group of singer/songwriters who are really amazing. If you're in the Boston area I highly recommend them. They're in town tonight and tomorrow night at Club Passim and there's a chance they won't be sold out.already.

I had a great offer to go to DimSum this morning, but wasn't sure if my friend Cheryl was going to be coming down today or tomorrow. But that was mostly due to me ending up with too many things planned at once. I did find out this morning that Sunday works for her, so I have today free. But I've woken up much too late to meet people for Dim Sum. I'd need a shower and I'm not even sure where they are meeting. But the shower would set me back quite a bit timewise.

Instead, I'm going to grab a yummy coffee cake muffin and watch a bit more Kenshin and see how the day develops until LFNY.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on March 2, 2002 3:43 PM.

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