I love my friends

First off, a big thanks (AGAIN) to my friends Jill and Bree. WIthout the two of them tonight would probably have been great, but I would have been coughing for at least an hour after I left (instead of about 10 minutes). Thanks also to Rachel, Mike Wilkins, Dave Skye, Blake, Susan, and everyone else who helped out tonight. Thanks to all my friends who came out.

Tonight was lots of fun. I was so psyched. As with just about every set there are things I wish could have been tighter, but I'm so psyched that it went so well. I love spinning at the Phoenix Landing.

Other hilites of the night include Steve Porter's set, Dave Skye's opening set (that had some really wacky tracks in it), the Phoenix Landing almost completely empty of smoke! What a concept!

I'll post the track list after I sleep.


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