Cops and Robbers no more

I remember as a kid running around playing things like cops and robbers during recess.  Looks like even that isn't allowed anymore.  I'm sorry, but the world just keeps going more and more insane.  I think my favorite part of the article is:

 Even without the school policy, zero tolerance is the law in Colorado, considered at the forefront of the movement. Colorado law mandates expulsion for students who "carry, bring, use or possess a firearm or firearm facsimile at school."
     Nowhere does the law mention fingers, but Mrs. Mickle said the conduct code gives administrators the latitude to deal with problems as they arise. "It's definitely not spelled out in the district discipline policy because we can't predict what every student is going to do," she said. "That's what we're here for: to interpret those details."

Those damn finger guns.  I think we now need to just chop off kids fingers if they ever point them like a gun.


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