Translation fun

Over on one of the MUDs I hang out on someone yesterday mentioned a cool site called Lost in Translation. It shows the effect of sending text through numerous translationors and what you get from them.

For example, the text:

Back when I lived in Pittsburgh, I lived on ramen for periods of time.  I've only just been able to stomach the stuff again recently.  Now I find I like to mix stuff in to add a bit of stuff to it.  Zannah posted a link to Ramen City.  Your source for all your Ramen needs.  Though I'd love to see some reviews of the various kinds of ramen before trying some of these.


The sustenation, when I lived the Pittsburgh, I has lived ramen ignition for the periods.  Still the substance would know only total to the air line with the stomach of her recently.  The hour is as the substance to the mixture of the piece that internal I add it to a small substance.  Zannah announced a connection to the city of Ramen.  Its source for all its necessities the Ramen.  Exactly if I can see, that one the examinaci—n something of the last one ramen something before the examinaciones they diverse types. 

Maybe this can be a new art form, post bad poetry into it and see if the end result is any better.


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