Friday Five (a few days late)

So I'm a little late this week. This week's starts with 'When was the last time you...'

  1. ...sent a handwritten letter? A few months ago to a friend of mine on LJ. Actually it was half handwritten half typed.

  2. ...baked something from scratch or made something by hand? Hmm. Not for a while. Though I've been getting the urge to make some brownies lately.

  3. ...camped in a tent? I can't even remember. Sometime in my teen years.

  4. ...volunteered your time to church, school, or community? Unfortunately, not any time recently.

  5. ...helped a stranger? I gave someone directions the other day. Does that count? ^_^


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on July 1, 2002 3:05 PM.

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