Tuesday thoughts

I keep trying to get to sleep early lately, but things keep conspiring against me. I'll log off the computer, get ready for bed, see a book, start reading it and suddenly it's almost midnight again. I haven't been exhausted lately, but I have felt kind of run down. I wish the day was about 1 hour and 38 minutes longer. Then I'd be having that extra time to sleep that I want.

I had a nice surprise when I got into work yesterday. Some CDs I'd ordered a while ago finally arrived. It seems that most of OMD's releases are out of print in the US and the only way to get them is as imports. I've slowly been rebuilding my collection and Crush arrived yesterday. This was the second OMD album I ever got and one of my favorites. I can't remember if I got it on tape or vinyl, but I remember listening to it a lot. When I was putting it into iTunes I looked at the year it came out, 1985. I suddenly felt old. So much of the older stuff I've been picking up lately has been so good to listen to. It's almost timeless to me.

Now, off for coffee and work.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on July 23, 2002 12:38 PM.

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