All I Wanted was a Pepsi!

Another NYTimes story. This one about a Means Found to Prosecute Decades-Old Abuse Cases. It features a comments from one priest that left me a bit speachless.

In an interview with The Detroit News that the newspaper published yesterday, Mr. Burkholder said his relationships with boys were "always a two-way thing."

"The boys work in the rectory with the priest and you just get friendly. You sit down in the rectory and have a Coke. It's a mutual deal," he said. "An affectionate thing and a friendly thing." He said he mostly fondled the boys, but sometimes had oral sex with them.

"It's a friendship between two people that has been made into something horrible, rotten. People are trying by hook or by crook to make me look bad. Some of the accusations are true, but so what? I was a priest, a good priest, who had a weakness."

Oh yes, that's always what I think about when sitting down and having a Coke. What planet is this guy from?


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