OS X Jaguar Thoughts From Around the Net

There's been a number of posts to about Jaguar showing up. Here's a few I found (with comments).

  • Quote of the moment. Charles Miller:  "A sign that Apple is catching up with Microsoft÷there's already a security patch for Jaguar." [jenett.radio] My Comment. This isn't really valid, since this is something that was also recently patched for 10.1.5 and the patches appeared after 10.2 went gold. Given that these are not code produced by Apple I don't think it says that much.

  • Spam Filter. Adam Curry:  "I've installed Jaguar on my iBook. Love the new features, especially the mail application. I've been reading about the spam filter and must admit I'm duly impressed!" [jenett.radio] Me too! Though I don't get spam that much these days, so it is taking a little bit longer to train

  • OS X Jaguar -- Early Impressions [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]

  • Macnn.com has a list of some Apple software updates tied to 10.2.

  • MacSlash has first reactions to Jaguar.


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