Adam's Family

Looks like Adam is going to be on TV again:

The past couple of weeks have been really tough for me blogging-wise. Ever since the Osbournes' mega-success in the states (now world-wide) we'd been receiving offers to do a similar show in Europe. After the family (Patricia, Christina and I) agreed we would entertain the thought seriously, we started looking at the offers. Friday evening it boiled down to a green light on the deal. Starting this Christmas, RTL4 will broadcast 'Adam's Family' every week. [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]

So now one of the questions is, who's gonna encode it, subtitle it, and put it online? If the folks doing anime subtitles can get a show online in four to five days someone should be able to do this pretty quickly. Or maybe Adam will dub a version of it for us. ^_^


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on September 22, 2002 2:28 PM.

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