More thoughts on Radio vs LiveJournal

As I've been setting up this Radio to LJ mirror I've been getting more peeks into how LiveJournal does things. In particular I've been looking at how LJ formats its posts and what your options are for changing how it looks. LiveJournal is just horrible if you want to customize how your stuff looks. Radio, MovableType, and Blogger all have pretty good template systems that let you do anything you want quite easily. From what I could tell of LiveJournal it's not quite the same. It's like you have variables for different sections of the Journal that you set. I guess for me it isn't just a question of configurability either. LiveJournal feels much more closed. I'm more limited by what they allow me to do as opposed to what I want to do.

So why bother with LJ at all? Because I lot of my friends are there. And at least one or two have complained that they have to go someplace else to read about what's going on in my life. I also like the idea of bridging the two communities. So for now I'll experiment with mirroring posts. If it ends up not working then I'll just stop doing it.

Big thanks to Bryant over at Population: One for his help with the blagg and LiveJournal plugin stuff too.


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