
I have this urge to write something here today. I don't know what I want to write about really, but I just feel like something is trying to get out. Part of it is this whole being unemployed thing. It's hard getting momentum again. I kind of hit an emotional wall about a week after the layoff where I just stopped for a few days. And it just feels so hard to get moving again.

There's some consulting work on the horizon, but it isn't anything that will necessarily be taking off right away. So I still need to look for work. Well, I need a 'real job' anyways. Benefits are too important too me right now. The hard part is deciding what I want to do. Do I still want to live in the sysadmin world? The consulting stuff I've been helping on is more system design kind of stuff and I'm really enjoying it. Also, at the time I stopped working I was doing more management type stuff and less day to day things. I still did them, but I wasn't in the thick of it. And I'm not sure how much I like the idea of going back to the day to day stuff.

I think I need a road trip. Anyone got any suggestions on cool places to go that aren't more then 12 hours away from Boston?


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on September 8, 2002 2:03 PM.

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