Audiotron Thoughts

I love my Audiotron. It's one of the cooler network devices I have. As much as I love it though, I keep finding myself thinking about just using my G3 as an mp3 machine. There are a few reasons for this. First off, iTunes. Smart Playlists are one of the coolest things out there. I use them all the time for exporting stuff to my iPod. Secondly, there are tons of apps out there that will let me remote control iTunes on that machine via Applescript. Third, as cool as the Audiotron is, at times it feels a little clunky. I'm almost thinking I'd like to move it into my bedroom with a small set of speakers for music in there.

I'd actually love to find a way to get it set up for my parents, but their house isn't really wired for it currently. I may play around with having both set up and see which I end up liking more. What I'd really love is an Apple made device like the Audiotron that uses Rendezvous. That way it could just run some kind of version of iTunes that I could control remotely.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on October 15, 2002 8:12 AM.

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