Microsoft and Accessability

Catching up on a few days of being away and light blogging, here's some things that I thought were interesting. First we have some comments to about Microsoft's new design.

  • Zeldman goes after Microsoft for their poor job on their redesign.

    When a W3C member company that helped create XHTML and CSS ignores or misuses those web standards on its corporate site, you have to wonder who didn't get the memo.

  • He also points over to dive into mark, who also has some comments on the subject.

    The new design also fails even the most basic accessibility tests; the home page contains 80 instances of images without ALT text. This is the same basic failing for which the Sydney Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games was successfully sued in 2000.

As I've been learning more about things like CSS I've started to become more aware of things like accessibility and the correct ways to use tags. I'm sure that there are still issues with my own site (it's actually one of my todo's after I finish converting all my old pages to the new style). But for some reason I'd expect a company like MS to do a better job of things. It's not like they don't have the resources.


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