Vice is Nice!

So I got a copy of Grand Theft Auto:Vice City today in a nice little game trade. Now, I never played GTA3. I watched Lukas play it for a while one day, but never really got a feel for the play of it. It's taken a few hours, but I am starting to get a little bit of a feel and it's pretty fun. There are definitely things about it that I'd change a little if I was making the game. My one complaint is that for someone who hasn't played the game at all there is nothing to give you any kind of insight into how some things work. I can understand that they want you to learn how to do things by playing, but there are some things it doesn't make much sense to learn in gameplay. For instance, that you can't save when you are in the middle of a mission. I honestly spent a good 40 minutes wandering around trying to figure out why I couldn't save and only really found out when Lukas told me. I guess I see a slight difference between no information and just enough to get you curious and exploring. Beyond that one gripe though, I'm having a blast. I actually had to go out to the store earlier and kept thinking "Hey, if this was GTA I could just drive up on the sidewalk and around all this traffic." Luckily I didn't follow through on that thought.


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