Just a little Bit

BitTorrent is pretty damn cool. I think I first saw Adam post about it a while back. At that time it was windows only so I didn't pay too much attention. There also weren't many people using it. But now it has appeared on the scene in the anime digisub world and it's getting more use than ever. I just downloaded a 130MB file in about 25 minutes.

BitTorrent is a protocol for distributing files. It identifies content by url and is designed to integrate seamlessly with the web. Its advantage over plain http is that when multiple downloads of the same file happen concurrently, the downloaders upload to each other, making it possible for the file source to support very large numbers of downloaders with only a modest increase in its load.

I wouldn't be surprised if game demos start being available as torrent downloads. It makes perfect sense for new demos that are anything over 20MB in size.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on January 15, 2003 9:32 AM.

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