Lazy or Just Incompetent?

C|net has an article about how the worm that hit over the weekend "Worm exposes laziness and Microsoft flaws". While I do like blaming MS, I lay a lot of blame on lazy and incompetent sysadmins. From what I understand of this, it sounds like a lot of it could have been prevented with some solid network security. Do that many people really need their SQL Server installation open to the whole outside world?

And after Nimda, any sysadmin who didn't have their machines patched should lose their job. IMHO, there's no excuse. How many times do you have to get stung before you learn?

This brings up one of the issues I have with the boom. When dot.coms were booming they were hiring like crazy. A lot of people with little or no experience were hired, both developers and sysadmins. While there were some that rose to the occasion and were quite good, there was a lot more mediocrity. I think we're seeing more fallout of that now.


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