Apache Geeking

(I'm planning on starting a new section of this blog where I can ramble on and on about geeky things without boring the rest of you).

One thing I've always wished I could do easily with apache is rotate logs on a daily basis. It comes with a program called rotatelogs, but that just creates a new log file every 24 hours. it doesn't seem to do it based on the actual date. It also doesn't give you much choice for naming the file.

Tonight I started looking around for a script that would let me rotate the log files more easily and discovered cronolog. It lets you specify a template for how to add entries to a log file. You can easily specify to do new log files by day or month or year. It also comes with a program to split up your old logfiles too if you wish.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on March 7, 2003 2:41 AM.

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