Cookin Away

I decided to go ahead with making chili today. I'd gotten a recipe from a friend of mine online a week or so ago and it had been kind of tugging at the back of my head. Unfortunately I started browsing around online. My big question was about the different kinds of chili peppers. There are a number of different varieties, and I wanted to make sure I used something good for this. In the end I decided to go kinda simple and use just a basic chili powder, though next time I'd like to try using actual chilis. So far it's been on the stove for around 40 minutes. I figure it's got around an hour and a quarter left to cook. Dinner will be late tonight. Once I've tasted it and decide that it's acceptable I'll post my recipe.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on March 2, 2003 8:25 PM.

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