Customer Support Hell has a great post about Mena Trott getting support for her Sidekick.

My Sidekick has entered a "deep sleep" mode and can not be awoken by the fix of reseting/powering on or pressing the "@, 1, 0" keys at the same time. Customer support was a horrible pain in which I which I was flat-out blamed for "overcharging the device." The service rep told me that I should have watched the device charge and made sure to disconnect when it was done charging. To which I replied, "I'm supposed to sit and watch my phone charge?" Her reply: "Yes."

Now I don't feel so bad about waiting to get one. I have had one problem with my T68i and they are going to send me a new one. It took me a little bit to convince them the problem was the phone, but once I did it was smooth sailing. I'm actually waiting for the next generation of Sidekicks anyways. The kinks will hopefully be worked out and maybe we'll have some bluetooth support in there too.


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