Oh Wow, This Looks Slick

I dig my Sony-Ericsson T68i a lot. The fact that I can sync it with my computer so easily has made it one of the most useful cell phones I've ever had. Of course, Sony-Ericsson had to go and release something even better than it. The T610 is one of their newest models. It appears to support everything their current one does but has much bigger screen, and a camera built in. The camera is kind of cool, though it isn't something I was necessarily craving in a phone. The screen is what really caught my attention. The one gripe I have about the T68i is that it's screen is small. It's very readable, but still quite small and I keep wishing there was just a bit more space on it. If Sony/AT&T offers any kinds of deals for upgrading when this phone goes out I will seriously consider it. [via Paolo [via Slashdot]]


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