I want a Torrid Romance

Ever thought you'd make a good romance novel? Well now you can be a character in a romance novel.

At Torrid Romance, we offer personalized romance novels that allow readers to put themselves in our characters' shoes. We have all desired, at one time or another, to be somewhere else, someone different. Our goal is to tickle our readers by placing them in these fantastic situations they would not ordinarily be in.

Using the physical and material traits provided by you, the hero and heroine in the novel of your choosing are reshaped to your personal details - you are the characters. Our books are tasteful gifts between friends, family, and lovers alike and are equally suitable for many a varied occasions - a birthday, an anniversary, a wedding. [Torrid Romance]

Hey, they may be onto something here. I wonder if I could use this as a pickup line. "Hey babe, I'm a character in a romance novel."


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on April 14, 2003 8:12 PM.

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