Morning Notes

Just some random things as I wait for Dunkin to open so I can move my car:

  • I just injured myself laughing after reading Davezilla's 20 Stupidest Pet Names. Number 19, a bulldog named Bitch Tits, put me over the edge. All I could imagine is some old guy, or even better some little kid, wandering through the neighborhood trying to find his lost dog. You'd hear "Bitch Tits! Where are you Bitch Tits!" and "BIIIIIIITCH TIIIIITS!" and "Here Bitch Tits! *whistle*" echoing out across the houses.
  • Antipixel has spam we will never see. The sad thing is, I could see them using some of these actually. I mean, I've gotten spam recently that advertises that I'll be able to hit people with my penis (that one seems to be making the rounds again). I think the whole idea is to just get your attention any way possible.
  • Boing Boing points to a report of minor sleep deprivation really screaing you over from Journal SLEEP

    Chronic restriction of sleep periods to 4 h or 6 h per night over 14 consecutive days resulted in significant cumulative, dose-dependent deficits in cognitive performance on all tasks. [Journal SLEEP]

    This actually doesn't surprise me at all. I've heard a few sleep experts say they think we're all way behind on sleep in general.
  • "Bad Girls Go To Hell" is no longer stuck in my head, but now "Belly of a Whale" is.
  • Oh, yeah. Antipixel also now has a full RSS feed. Thank you! (I do actually still hit the actual pages on posts I like because I read the comments.)

Okay, time to move my car.


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