Another Commentary

Following in the footsteps of the commentary on Fellowship of the Ring from a few weeks ago, McSweeney's now gives us an Unused Audio Commentary By Dinesh D'Souza and Ann Coulter, Recorded Spring 2003, For Aliens Special Red-State Edition DVD, Part One. Truly amazing.

ANN COULTER: I agree. I think it's basically endemic of the hegemonic leftist control of all forms of media expression — burying conservative subtexts beneath a lot of lefty cuddling. Now, as the titles come up, perhaps we should talk a little bit about the first Alien movie. I see that film as evidencing the insidious effects of a creeping, dangerous worldview slowly infecting a small group of people, and then one by one destroying them. Not unlike, say, liberalism.

D'SOUZA: I see your point there, and I don't disagree. I think there's an interesting thing going on in Alien . I like to think of these movies as reflections of the presidents who were in office when they came out. As I'm sure you remember, Alien provides an impotent response to an unknown threat — that threat being, of course, the alien. A single alien, with the help of a quisling android, murders an entire crew.

COULTER: With the exception of Ripley, let's remember. She's independent, strong, and tall.

D'SOUZA: Extremely tall.

COULTER: A very Phyllis Schlafly-like figure. [McSweeney's]


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