Last Night

Last night I went out to the Milky Way in JP. I hadn't been there in years, back when my lung issues were just starting. It's a great space, especially when there are lots of people there. Last night there seemed to be a pretty good-sized crowd. It was weird because I couldn't really figure out the age range of the crowd. I felt older, but I wasn't sure if the people there were more younger or around the same age as I am. And the crowd definitely had a different feel than the EDM crowd. I enjoyed the bands a lot. The Anchormen were quite cool, and I picked up their CD (which, btw, is already in CDDB), which I plan to listen to a little bit later. I also finally got to meet Heath, so that was cool.

One interesting story from last night. I'm sitting there listening to the Anchormen play and this girl comes up and asks if she can ask me a question. She looks really familiar too, and as she asks her question I realize she works at Million Year Picnic, where I buy manga a lot these days. She asks, "I was wondering if I could ask you about your respirator?" I give my standard answer explaining I need oxygen because my lungs are broken. (Side note. I don't wear oxygen all the time. If I'm just sitting around not doing much I don't use it. It's only really with activity. So at that moment I wasn't wearing it.) She nods and says, "well, I sell you your comics (aha!) and noticed that you usually are wearing it but aren't right now". And I give the standard explanation about not needing it all the time. We talk/yell (it was loud) for a little bit and she thanks me much for letting her ask a personal question like that, and she went off for a cigarette. Second side note, the Milky Way is now non-smoking. Kickass!

The conversation got me wondering about what people think when they see someone walking around with an oxygen tank. And how many are curious or want to ask about it. At first I was a bit self conscious about carrying it around. I mean, you're walking around with a small bag slung over your shoulder with plastic tubing running out and up your nose. It is pretty hard to ignore. The thing is, I don't mind being asked about it. I think i must just like the attention. I'm not sure how other people in the same situation feel though. Anyways, it was an interesting conversation and got me thinking a bit, so I thought I'd share.

Oh yeah, there is one thing about the Milky Way that I remembered drives me nuts. They don't have a full liquor license, so they can't sell things like vodka. Bah.


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