Sleep Readjustment

Trying to sleep better is going slowly. After sleeping most of the night on Thursday night I did the typical sleep two hours, wake up for an hour thing tonight. Tonight some hot chocolate (despite the caffeine), an episode of anime, and a story in McSweeney's got me back to sleep. I'm up again though. Though this time I'm feeling a bit more sleepy. Though, this is the perfect time to take my Actonel, even though I know it'll give me heartburn (how come they come up with these medications that need to be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? Oh yeah, and then they don't want you to eat for at least an hour afterward). I only have to take it once a week thankfully.

I also finished reading Permutation City last night before the first time I went to sleep. I liked the book, thought it had really cool ideas, but the ending felt like a bit of a letdown. Next up is Kitchen Confidential, which I've been wanting to read for a while.

Thank Jeff, the God of Biscuits for Tums. (Is there a god of Tums?)


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