Yet Another 'There's Everything on the Internet' Moment

Do you enjoy a good drink? Like to pound down a few after work at the local watering hole? What about those times when you overdid it. Did you ever ran from the room to let out a nice technicolor yawn? Or did you excuse yourself and casually stroll to the restroom? Thanks to The Etiquette of Vomiting you can know just what you should do in that situation.

Vomiting is one of those subjects people often try to graze over when discussing drinking.

They prefer to center on the glamorous aspects of drinking, the cerebral impairment, the fights and mishaps, the staggering around blindly and the cool hangover cures.

But let’s face up to reality: while many a boozer likes to brag he never or rarely reverses the flow of alcohol, truth be known, even the most accomplished drinker finds occasion to vomit. Even if it’s just to make room for more booze or to impress fellow imbibers with the distance he can launch the meat loaf he had for lunch. [Modern Drunkard Magazine]

Because if if you're going to hurl, you might as well do it right.


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