Blogging about Blogging and Comments

Yesterday I had one of those "The net can be so cool!" moments. I'd posted a link to a commentary on Aliens that was over on McSweeney's a week ago. Someone posted a comment on it musing about Coulter's use of vocabulary, but that was it as far as comments on the post. This is fairly comment, I tend not to get a ton of comments. But then Yesterday I opened up my mail to see a notification that there was another comment on the post, answering the first comment. This is the part I found very cool, it was from the person who wrote the commentary: Tom Bissell.

Even though I've been online ages, nothing has really opened up communication like this as well as blogging has. First that the Mr. Bissell was able to find my post (though my blog does seem to have a fairly high page ranking), and then that he took the time to comment on it. It is a level of interaction that I just haven't run into much before online, at least on a personal web site (and I think it shows how comments can be a good thing on a blog). So I'd also like to send a big Thank You out to Mr. Bissell, and anyone else who ever comments on here. You've helped make this blog a little more interesting and informative. Now I need to look into having some kind of option that the author of a comment can choose to be notified when someone responds to a comment (kind of like how LiveJournal does things).

Oh yeah, and for people who enjoyed part one, part two of that commentary was posted a few days ago.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on June 4, 2003 7:00 AM.

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