More Web Geeking

Over on Surfin' Safari Dave talks about browser standards charts and why he doesn't like them. For example:

In a fit of honesty, I'll even give an example from Safari. Many standards charts have asserted that Safari supports min-width and max-width . How wrong you are. Safari only supports these properties on non-positioned non-replaced elements, but I fooled you, didn't I? I managed to implement just enough to pass the common test cases, because the feature wasn't deeply tested by those of you building your charts. Mozilla's support for this feature is superior to Safari's, but the two browsers have been ending up with the same "score" for min/max-width support. [Surfin' Safari]

I thought this was pretty interesting. I'd never really thought about how they tested browsers or even how completely. Now I'm going to have to pay more attention to such things a bit more.


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