Rebuilding and Thoughts on Movable Type

I'm back!

Thanks to some help from Ben Trott I was able to recover all my posts. Here's the part that sucks though, my posts don't have the same blog item numbers. Because of this, the individual pages have all changed (and will likely change again if I go to move this to another site). The timing of this is somewhat fitting because of a recent post to Scripting News about Post IDs in RSS 2.0. The concept of having post ideas that are part of the export/import process makes a lot of sense to me now, since all my permalinks aren't really anymore. If I only had one blog running in my installation of Movable Type that might not have been the case, but I also use it for my anime blog (which is currently kind of offline till I can move it also). While RSS doesn't work that well for exporting and importing with Movable Type due to comments and trackbacks, the concept of Post IDs does make a lot of sense. There's got to be some way to make it work (though I could see issues with importing posts into a blog that already has posts, what do you do with conflicting numbers). Anyone have any thoughts on this? Possible solutions that will work when exporting/importing?


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About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on June 27, 2003 12:28 PM.

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