Safari Feedback

Over at Surfin' Safari, Dave asks for some feedback on Safari's web page display. He actually asks for a top 10. I actually am not sure I can even come up with that many. I do have one gripe to do with how javascript is handled though. There are numerous blogs I go to that have comments and use javascript to indicate how many comments there are. If I make a comment and then revisit the page it seems to keep the whole thing cached and won't update the count until I force a reload. This is the only browser I've run into that treats Javascript this way (at least that I've noticed).

Oh, and I thought of a second one. I use Movable Type for my blog and there are some administrative tasks that run for a longer period of time and send text to the browser showing what it is doing (importing posts for instance). In something like Camino you'll see each line as it is sent to the browser. In Safari two things happen. First, you don't see any of that text, you just get the little spinning dial in the tab. Second, it times out with an error after around 60 seconds (though the script does seem to keep running on the server). This was driving me crazy when I was migrating my blog recently.


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This page contains a single entry by Gregory published on July 4, 2003 5:02 AM.

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