Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics

Thanks to my friend Ellen (who gets very annoyed with me if I don't credit her) for pointing me at the Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics site. It includes ratings of movies with the following rating system:

  • GP = Good physics in general
  • PGP = Pretty good physics (just enough flaws to be fun)
  • PGP-13 = Children under 13 might be tricked into thinking the physics were pretty good; parental guidance is suggested
  • RP = Retch
  • XP =Obviously physics from an unknown universe
  • NR =Unrated. When a movie is obviously a parody, fantasy, cartoon or is clearly based on a comic book it can't be rated but may still have some interesting physics worth discussing.

The rest of the site covers common poor physics used in movies. It's pretty interesting seeing just how many standard movie effects are so inaccurate.


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